The Doge's Palace exemplifies the city's Gothic architecture. 总督宫是威尼斯哥特式建筑的代表。
It is one of the best and original examples of Late Gothic architecture in Portugal, intermingled with the Manueline style. 这是一个最好的例子,原来的晚哥特式建筑在葡萄牙,与各曼努埃尔风格。
This church as a fine example of Gothic architecture. 这座教堂式哥特式建筑很好的一个示范。
For this reason a study of Gothic architecture is largely a study of cathedrals and churches. 由于这个缘由地研讨首要是哥特式建筑研讨年夜教堂和教堂。
Along the sides of the chapel are the lofty stalls of the Knights of the Bath, richly carved of oak, though with the grotesque decorations of Gothic architecture. 礼拜堂的两侧,设有巴斯骑士③的高大座位,那都是雕刻华丽的橡木座位,但缀有哥特式建筑的古怪装饰。
Its3th-century cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture noted for its stained glass and asymmetrical spires. Population, 37,9. 市内3世纪的大教堂为哥特式建筑的杰作,以其彩色玻璃和对称螺旋体著名。
Gothic architecture is a style of architecture which flourished during the high and late medieval period. 哥特式建筑是一个风格的建筑,其中蓬勃发展期间,高和中世纪晚期时期。
She was enthusiastically praising the Beauties of Gothic architecture 她正热情地赞颂着哥特式建筑的美
It is an element that communicates with the product to create the appeal of projected aesthetics, in this instance, gothic architecture. 它是一个元素,与产品创造的美学吸引力的预计,在这种情况下,哥特式建筑通信。
Perpendicular style: Phase of late Gothic architecture in England roughly parallel in time to the French Flamboyant style. 垂直式风格:英格兰晚期哥德式建筑的一个阶段,在时间上约略与法国的火焰式风格相平行。
There are many types of architectural styles, such as classical Chinese architecture, modern architecture, Gothic architecture. 有许多类型的建筑风格,如古典建筑,现代建筑,哥特式建筑。
Medieval civilization reached its apex in the13th century with the emergence of Gothic architecture, the appearance of new religious orders, and the expansion of learning and the university. 中世纪的文明随着哥德式建筑,新的宗教秩序的出现,以及学术和大学的扩展而在13世纪达到了顶峰。
At the beginning of the12th century, Romanesque was transformed into Gothic architecture. 12世纪早期,罗马建筑变化成了哥特式建筑。
The Power of Gothic Architecture: Plebification and Integrity relating to or characterized by or aiming toward unity. 哥特建筑的力量&平民性与整体性关于整体,具有整体特性或对准整体。
The intricacies and angles of Gothic architecture. 哥特式建筑的各种精巧复杂细部和角形结构。
The church has beautifully preserved Gothic architecture. 这座教堂有着维护十分完善的歌德式建筑。
In the Lower Town, Gothic architecture coexists with mosques, public baths and other buildings dating from the Ottoman period. 下城不但有哥特式建筑,也有清真寺,公共浴池及其它奥托曼时期的建筑。
St George's Chapel is one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in England. 在英格兰,圣乔治礼拜堂是哥特式建筑最杰出的范例之一。
Natural Ventilation by Unit Division in Large-scale Building The Power of Gothic Architecture: Plebification and Integrity 大体量建筑的单元分区自然通风策略哥特建筑的力量&平民性与整体性
A purely western phenomenon, stained glass originated as a fine art of the Christian church, beginning in the12th-13th century, when it was combined with Gothic architecture to create brilliant, moving effects. 作为一种纯西方现象,彩色玻璃最初是用于宗教教堂内的一种精美艺术.12~13世纪起被用于哥德式建筑中,以产生一种灿烂辉煌的动人效果。
Art Image of Roman and Gothic Architecture The firmness of construction the base of gothic 罗马式和哥特式建筑的艺术形象
The gothic architecture which is borned in the middle ages has similar context, structural logic and formal intention with Skyscraper which is borned in late of 19th century. 中世纪诞生于欧洲的哥特式建筑与十九世纪的末期诞生于美国的芝加哥高层建筑有类似的产生背景、结构逻辑和形式观念。
The look and details of decoration are influenced by the Gothic architecture. 它在外形、装饰细节等方面都受到哥特式建筑的影响,造型以垂直线为特色。
So for the art study of Gothic architecture should also be multiangle. 因此对于哥特式建筑艺术的探讨也应该是多角度的。
As a monument of architectural history, Gothic architecture is more than just the phenomenon of high Building. 作为建筑史上的一座丰碑,哥特式建筑艺术远不止是建筑现象。
However, for a long time, most criticism mainly focuses on the single field of Gothic arts, for example, a lot of research on Gothic architecture and Gothic novels. The overlapping section has been neglected. 然而长期以来,大多数评论研究都只限于哥特某一学科,如已经有对哥特建筑,哥特文学的大量研究,而忽视了哥特各个学科领域间重合的部分。
Gothic architecture is usually employed in the construction of churches and castles. 哥特式建筑主要应用教堂和城堡的建筑。
The Gothic Architecture art is the target that he praises warmly in "Notre Dame de Paris", Gothic Architecture art become representative that adheres to past practices among back-end works, the merciless criticism. 在《巴黎圣母院》中哥特式建筑是他热情赞美的对象,在后期的作品中哥特式建筑成为守旧的代表,被无情的批判。
Gothic architecture achieves medieval Christian perfect combination of philosophy and art. 哥特式建筑艺术实现了中世纪基督教哲学与艺术创作的完美结合。
As the legacy of the most important artistic property, Medieval Gothic architecture provide an opportunity for understanding medieval panorama. 哥特式建筑作为中世纪遗留下来的最重要的艺术遗产,带着中世纪的烙印为后人提供了了解中世纪全貌的一个机会。